BIK box story
Our main goal is to improve the overall condition and well-being of our members by improving functional movements used by each of us every day. CrossFit type of WODs, metcons and equipment are all part of our program and all our efforts are pointed to the direction of including everybody - no matter of age, sex or ability. This is the beauty of this sport!
Why "BIK box" and what does it stand for?
The name BIK is a setup of our initials:
Bosotin Ivan & Katarina, co-owners and coaches.
Furthermore, the word BIK in Croatian means "bull". We like to think that we are determined like a stubborn and temperamental bull!
The word box = the gym space.
Transform Your Body and Mind

Don't be afraid of being a beginner! We have all been there. Surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you. Give your best and keep on pushing, because with consistency, the results will not be missed. The greatest project you will ever work on is YOU and with a supporting team of friends and partners you can move mountains!
Let's get one thing straight: Will it be easy? No. Will it be worth it! Absolutely YES!
Motivation is great. Motivation gets you started, but discipline is the one secret key to success. It is not about how fast or far you can run. It is about showing up, digging deeper, being a little better than yesterday. Little results add up over time!

Results happen over time, not overnight. Once you see results, it becomes an addiction. You will feel better - that is our guarantee! The looks come somehow as a side effect of feeling better and moving greater in your own skin.